

Trade Organisations

Brass band gets brand

The Co-operative Funeralcare has signed a three-year sponsorship agreement with a renowned Crewe-based brass band, which is this year celebrating its 70th anniversary.

The Co-operative Funeralcare first sponsored the Co-operative Funeralcare Band North West in May 2011. The band has supported the Co-operative Group at various events over the last 12 months, such as at burial ground open days and a Christmas concert.

Managing director of the Co-operative Funeralcare George Tinning said: “We’re pleased that our close partnership with this top quality band helps them to continue with the excellent work for which they are known, as well as enabling us to give something back to the local communities in which we serve.”


Band manager Alan Smart added: “We are delighted that the Co-operative Funeralcare has agreed to sponsor us for a further three years. Our partnership secures the band’s medium-term future and enables us to focus on musical development and community-based projects.”

The band competes in various competitions and has qualified to compete in the 2013 Grand Shield Spring Festival Contest, the qualifying contest for the British Open.

Image: (L-R) Jef Sparkes, musical director; Andrew Snelson of the Co-operative Funeralcare in Crewe; and Alan Smart, band manager.

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