


CHARITY SPOTLIGHT: The Psychiatry Research Trust

Mental illness and brain disorder affects everyone – one in four of us directly. They cause profound distress not only to their sufferers but also to their families and friends.

The Psychiatry Research Trust was formed in 1982 with the sole objective of raising funds for research into these devastating conditions at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (part of King’s College London) and its associated Mental Health Trust (South London and Maudsley Foundation Trust).


The research is aimed at prevention and informed detection as well as new and better treatments throughout the whole range of mental health topics, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, motor neurone disease, eating disorders, psychotic illness, addictions, emotional disorders and childhood problems. As well as supporting established researchers we especially aim to help young researchers with new ideas, to obtain their first support grants.

Funds are urgently required to extend knowledge at a time when important new technologies provide the best opportunity in medical history for advancing knowledge in psychiatric research. A better chance than ever before now exists to overcome the misconceptions, dogmas and prejudices of the past and lead to prevention and improved treatments.

A donation made in lieu of flowers, a collection on the day or setting up a tribute donation web page are all ways your clients can remember their loved ones in a way that will help us progress in securing better treatments for sufferers and to understand the underlying causes of mental illness and brain disorder, with the aim of finding means of preventions and cures for these illnesses.

Telephone: 0207 703 6217


Registered Charity No:  284286


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