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SAIF offers advice on remembering a loved one while social distancing

The National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors (SAIF) has offered advice on remembering a loved one while social distancing amid the Covid-19 crisis.

SAIF released the tips due to funerals being “severely affected by coronavirus social distancing rules, causing great emotional distress to thousands of people. There is still a way to bring meaning and find solace in these difficult times.”

Compiled with the support of independent funeral directors from around the UK, if mourners are unable to attend a funeral or “want to do something beyond watching a service on Facetime or via a webcast.”

Some of the tips include, creating a free online tribute and sharing it with families and friends on social media, reading some poetry, prayers or verses from a section of the deceased favourite book, wearing an item of clothing in the deceased’s favourite colour and using your daily exercise as a chance to go for a walk in a space (if open) that the deceased loved.


SAIF added: “Don’t be alone during this time of isolation. Keep in touch with friends and family even if you don’t feel like it. If this isn’t an option, ask your funeral director if they have a bereavement support group that you can tap into. 

“Whilst the group won’t be meeting in person at the moment, there is likely to be some who will talk on the phone or via video conference call. As a result of social distancing measures, most funeral directors are adapting their bereavement groups, meaning support should still be available.”

Click here to view the full advice.

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