

Current Affairs

Funeral directors call for end to Covid funeral curbs

Speaking to the Daily Mail, funeral industry leaders have called for a review of the 30-person limit on mourners

Funeral directors in the UK are currently expecting an extra 80,000 creations and burials to fall under existing Covid-19 funeral curbs on attendees, which they believe cause “extended grief” for loved ones.

Speaking to the Daily Mail, funeral industry leaders, such as the National Association of Funeral Directors (NAFD), have called for a review of the 30-person limit on mourners to mitigate any continued distress.

The NAFD told the Mail that an extra 80,000 families in England were “likely to go through the trauma of losing a loved one and arranging a funeral service” over the next couple of months.

On the matter, Sir John Hayes MP, chairman of the all-party parliamentary group for funerals and bereavement, said: “The projections suggest many more families are going to be affected by the current regime.


“Of course it is right that we move ahead cautiously and in discussion with the sector who know best about how to manage things safely.”

He added: “But it does seem to me that if other parts of the United Kingdom are moving ahead swiftly that the Government needs to look at England too.”

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